The Dark Phönix

Moderatoren: Morlando, Pink, Semira

Dux Bellorum
Covengroßkönig & Schwarzmagier
Covengroßkönig & Schwarzmagier
Beiträge: 107980
Registriert: So 17. Jun 2012, 19:14
Wohnort: 46509 Xanten

The Dark Phönix

Beitrag von Dux Bellorum »

What is the difference between the Dark Phönix to lots of other Forums?

The Dark Phönix is a meeting point for Witches, Mages, Druids, Shamans, Reiki-teacher, Cartomancers and Covens.
We talk about topics like black or white magic, Ritualmagic, shamanic journeying, Divination, Tarotcards, Channeling,
Runes, Astrology, Reiki Applications, Healthstones, Medicinal Herbs, and many other things. With us are User from
different fields of Magic and Esoteric. We are a communicative forum, which is continiously growing. Herby we stand
for multiple Topics with lots of postings, who are showing the whole world of Esoteric and Magic.

Greetings Dux Bellorum )O(
Wenn ich aus der Schlacht heut nicht mehr wiederkehre,
fand ich den Regenbogen, der mich nach Asgard führte,
so hab ich Platz genommen an der Tafel in Walhalla.

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